About MFR Therapy

Myofascial Release Therapy is not massage nor is it an invasive, surgical procedure. It is a hands-on treatment therapy which is safe, gentle and very effective.

MFR Therapy is a complete treatment Therapy which continuously views and assesses your whole body and mind interrelationship. In this way MFR Therapy identifies, addresses, treats and simultaneously resolves both your symptoms and the associated root cause(s). Myofascial Release (MFR) Therapy regards you as a unique individual. Focusing on your Fascial Tissue and the Myofascial System has been virtually ignored in the past.

The three-dimensional web of interconnecting Fascial Tissue forms the body’s Myofascial System which creates separation between and within organs and muscles, bones. It also creates space through which delicate nerves, blood vessels and fluids pass. As such it is highly influential to all other body systems and functions. The Myofascial System provides support, stabilisation and cushioning throughout our body and provides us with the flexibility, strength and stability to move through space.

Our life experiences such as accidents, injuries, illness and other life stress issues can form Myofascial Restrictions which manifest themselves as symptoms such as residual trauma, tension, dysfunction, pain / discomfort and postural conditions. Myofascial Therapy provides you with release from Myofascial Restrictions which give rise to symptoms such as residual trauma, tension, dysfunction, pain / discomfort and postural conditions.

Following an initial assessment carried out as part of your first appointment, your MFR Therapist will prepare and agree with you an individual treatment programme. For each MFR Therapy session you attend you will receive a complete, minimum hour-long treatment, customised to your specific needs and goals. Each MFR Therapy session will provide you with hands-on treatments which are performed directly on your skin without the use of oils, creams or implements. Your MFR Therapist utilises a multitude of ‘Myofascial Release’ techniques and movement therapy.

The treatment does not follow a protocol and is never forced or led by the MFR Therapist. Myofascial Release Therapy is not massage nor is it an invasive, surgical procedure. It is a hands-on treatment therapy which is safe, gentle and very effective.

There are a number of possible treatment paths which may be intuitively followed. These paths are facilitated by your MFR Therapist and will involve three principle MFR Treatment Techniques:

  • Structural Myofascial Release – this is the principle hands-on technique used during an MFR treatment. A sustained pressure is applied to the treatment area in order to effect a Myofascial Release. The release may manifest itself in a physical form (for example the removal of aches and / or pains) and / or emotional form (for example the release of tension and / or mental pressure).
  • Myofascial Rebounding – when your mind and body are trapped in a state of constant Myofascial Restriction your MFR Therapist introduces a gentle oscillating motion into your mind / body complex. This energises your body’s fluid system into acting as a therapeutic force which finds the areas of restriction thus effecting a myofascial release which, again, may be in a physical and / or emotional form.


  • Myofascial Unwinding – your MFR Therapist facilitates a spontaneous, involuntary, self-correcting movement of your body to effect a myofascial release which again may be physical and / or emotional.


  • In addition, a Craniosacral Release treatment path may be followed. Your MFR Therapist works with the spine, the sacrum, the skull and its cranial structures and the Fascia therein in order to effect a Myofascial Release in these areas which, again, may be in a physical and / or emotional form.

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